NICE WORK Terms & Conditions
At Nice Work, we know that terms and conditions in the traditional sense can put a shiver of
dread down your spine and have you weeping into an industrial sized tub of ice cream. This
isn’t meant to be one of those scary T&C’s. It’s probably a bit boring but it’s all good stuff
that’s worth knowing.
We just want to make sure that you know what you can expect when you buy a race entry
through us. And, should you ever have any questions, worries or simply want to have a chat
about your race entry then please don’t hesitate to get in touch via email at info@nice- We love happy runners!
For your information… Nice Work vs Partner Races
A Nice Work race is an original Nice Work event, fully hosted and organised by us.
A Partner race is an event where we are working with a host Partner Organisation, providing
timing and/or race management services for their event.
We understand that your circumstances can and do change after you have entered a race.
Nice Work has a proud reputation for being flexible when receiving requests to withdraw
from a race, but for clarity, we have outlined our policy and the options available to you
1.1 Deferrals
1.2 You may defer your entry up to 10:00, 48 hours before the race.
This deferral window is at the race organisers discretion and may be subject to change if a race is fully subscribed.
1.3 You are no longer limited to the number of deferrals you can make.
1.4 Each deferral will incur a £5 charge.
1.5 You can defer your entry to the following year’s race or…
1.6 You can defer your entry to another race.
Please note, you can only defer your race to another event hosted by the same partner
organisation as your original race.
For example, if you had an entry to the Cannock Chase 10 & 5 mile (a Nice Work event)
then you would be able to defer to any race organised by Nice Work.
However, if you had an entry to the Hastings Half Marathon (hosted by the Hastings Lions) then you would only be able to defer to a race hosted by the Hastings Lions.
1.7 If you have booked directly through our website rather than a third party booking
portal, then you can manage your own deferral online. All you need is your original
booking confirmation email. If you can’t find this, then just let us know and we can resend it.
1.8 If you have booked via a third party booking portal then please don’t hesitate to get
in touch via email ( and one of our friendly team will be able
to assist you.
1.9 Please note, for some events that Nice Work organise in conjunction with third parties
or events in which Nice Work are providing a Timing or Entry Management Service
an alternative deferral policy may be in force.
2.0 Transfers
2.1 You may transfer your entry to a friend or colleague.
2.2 You may transfer your entry up to 10:00, 48 hours before the race.
This transfer window is at the race organisers discretion and may be subject to change.
2.3 If you have already received your bib number, then it is your responsibility to ensure that you give this to the person you have transferred to. They will not be able to run without an official race number.
2.4 We will need the following information for your alternate:
Your full name
Name of new runner
Date of birth
Contact Number
Running club (if applicable)
Emergency contact (name)
Emergency contact (number)
2.5 Your alternate must not run without having supplied us with the above personal
details or wearing an official race number.
2.6 Please note that transferring your entry to somebody else without notifying us is
irresponsible and dangerous, particularly in a medical emergency. Doing so can also
lead to disqualification from future races.
2.7 If you have booked directly through our website rather than a third party booking
portal, then you can manage your transfer online. All you need is your original
booking confirmation email. If you can’t find this, then just let us know and we can resend it.
2.8 If you have booked via a third party booking portal then please don’t hesitate to get
in touch via email ( and one of our friendly team will be able
to assist you.
3.0 Refunds
3.1 We believe that our policies for deferrals and transfers is one of the most flexible
and generous amongst race organisers and, for that reason, we do not offer refunds
of race entry fees for illness, injury, or any other reason. In much the same way as
you would not expect a refund for a theatre ticket if you were unable to attend, we
are unable to offer refunds for race entries sold.
4.0 Changing your race distance within an event.
4.1 We know that circumstances change and would like you to be able to upgrade or
downgrade your race distance within an event, free of charge.
4.2 If you are upgrading your race distance (from a 5k to a 10k), then there will be a
difference to pay between the cost of your original entry and the new distance entry.
4.3 If you are downgrading your race distance (from a 10k to a 5k) then we will be
unable to refund you the difference.
4.4 It is possible to make these changes online but the system will charge you £5.00 to
do this. However, if you email us on we would be happy to
process your request free of charge, not including any difference to pay in the entry
4.5 A change in race distance is permitted entirely at the race organisers discretion and may not always be possible, for example, if a race/event is fully subscribed.
5.0 Age Guidelines for Races…
UKA age guidelines for races are, as follows…
Under 3k… Any age
3k… 9 years and over
5k… 11 years and over
5 Mile and 10k… 15 years and over
Half Marathon… 17 years and over
20 Mile and Marathon… 18 years and over
Ultra Marathon… 20 years and over
6.0 Race Cancellations…
6.1 If the race is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, we will do our
utmost to be reasonable. Last minute postponements, for instance, due to weather,
are beyond our control.
6.2 On race day, if the weather is severe or forecast to become severe during the
event, then the race start time may change, the race may be postponed or
the event may be cancelled.
6.3 If an event is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, we will do our
utmost to be reasonable. However, refunds cannot be offered. We will look to
rearrange the event. If you are unable to attend the rearranged date, we will offer a
deferral or transfer to a new runner or if possible, a transfer to another Nice Work
managed event. In all instances we will try to be as fair as possible.
6.4 Please note, for some events that Nice Work organise in conjunction with third
parties or events in which Nice Work are providing a Timing or Entry Management
Service an alternative deferral policy may be in force.
7.0 Gender inclusivity…
7.1 Everyone receives a warm welcome at our Nice Work races. We would like to
encourage everyone to the start line and ensure that the buzz of a super race-day is
available to all. We know that many of our runners have an experience of gender
that is not simply male or female and we would like to recognise that. Whilst there
are many different representations of gender identity, we have included a non-
binary registration category to help welcome every single Nice Work runner to the
start line.
7.2 Unfortunately, as we are regulated by UK Athletics, who are in turn
governed by the World Athletics Organisation, we are restricted on how we are
allowed to report your results.
7.3 These organisations currently only recognise a male or female racing category and so
industry software is only capable of reporting your time under either a male/female
category on the live results.
7.4 Until RunBritain and the Powerof10 (both of which are associated with our governing
body) have uploaded the full results from our website, we must continue to list your
time under a male or female category. If we were to alter the results listings to
include your non-binary category before this, the software utilised by UKA to import race times, would reject the entire entry list and fail to import any results. Once the results have
been captured, we are free to manually reload the results with the correct registration
category of non-binary.
7.5 Unfortunately, we are also restricted on how we are able to award prizes. As these
organisations only recognise a male or female racing category, sadly, we are unable
to award prizes to anyone racing under a non-binary registration.
7.6 We understand if you would like your name removed from the results entirely or
check that your name will appear under the correct category once results have been
officially imported, then please do email us at or speak the
timer on race-day.
7.7 We are very much looking forward to a review of the industry position and hope that
a fair and fully representational reporting model can be implemented soon.
8.0 Your Health & Wellbeing
8.1 Your health is your responsibility. We will respect your personal decision and judgement regarding your own fitness levels and whether or not you feel ready and fit to race. However, you should not push yourself beyond your own capabilities and we ask that, in order to race safely, you only race if you feel fit to do so. If you know of or are concerned that you have a medical condition or conditions which might interfere with your running or exercising safely, then before participating in one of our events, you should seek advice from a relevant medical professional and follow their advice. All runners must complete the medical information on the reverse of their race bib. This is a life-saving requirement for your own safety. Our race-staff are not qualified doctors, but a first-aid provision is always available at every race. Should you feel unwell at any point before, during or directly after a race, please let one of our staff know and they will get you the assistance that you need. By purchasing an entry into one of our races or one of our Partner races, you confirm that you have read and understood this statement and that you will only race if you judge yourself to be fully fit to do so.
9.0 Headphones & bone conducting headphones…
9.1 In the ear and over the ear headphones are not permitted at our events unless otherwise stated.
9.2 However, bone conducting headphones are permitted.
If you do choose to wear bone conducting headphones, then we ask that you have the volume turned down low enough to hear the marshal instructions.
10.0 Refund Protection…
10.1 At the point of purchase, you will have the option to add Refund Protection to your booking. This protection is provided by Refund Protect.
10.2 Refund Protect is an entirely different entity from Nice Work. We have no control over which claims they approve and which they do not. By taking out a policy you are entering into an agreement with Refund Protect and not with Nice Work.
10.3 You can view a full set of Refundable Terms and Conditions… here.
10.4 If you already have a policy with Refund Protect and would like to make a claim, you may do so here.
11.0 At the race…
11.1 Please treat our staff considerately. We will not tolerate abusive behaviour towards
our race-day team, other runners or spectators. Any such behaviour will result in
being banned from future events.
11.2 Do listen and obey marshal instructions and signage; they are there to help guide
you and keep you safe.
11.3 If you drop out of the race or change distance… Please let either our timer, race director or a race official at Race HQ know. For health & safety reasons, we must know exactly who is still out on the course and we would like to ensure that you have been given the proper care if it is needed.
11.4 Going Green… To help reduce the carbon footprint of our races, we would like to encourage all our runners to bring their own camel packs or reusable cups to our events. Our teams at the water stations will be happy to fill any receptacle that you might bring with you so that you stay hydrated and racing fit! To this end, we also encourage car-sharing!
11.5 Please do not drop litter anywhere or at any point! Bin points will be provided.
11.6 Please do not urinate of defecate anywhere other than the toilets provided on race-
day; if you are caught doing so then you will be banned from future events.
11.7 We love encouraging our next generation of runners and cheering them across the
finish line. If you have entered your child into a race then you are fully responsible
for their wellbeing, for taking them to the start line and collecting them at the finish.
We will cheer them uproariously!
For further guidelines, please visit our FAQ’s or send us an email to
Name | Date | Price | Ticket | |
High Easter 10K | 08/06/25 10:00 | £27.00 | - 0 + | |
Total number of tickets: 0 Total Price: £0.00 |
08/06/25 10:00